stranybu stranybu
StreeTWalker78 StreeTWalker78
subzeroFed subzeroFed
David Sukola
I’m a musician by choice and a developer of data-driven ASP, ASP.NET, and Silverlight applications out of necessity. I’m 52 years old and was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2003, and this past past November I was told I have Alzheimer’s Disease as well. Since I no longer offer my knowledge and skills commercially, I continue to create applications at home to keep my mind and soul active.
I visit the Webportio web site often because it gives me fresh ideas and inspiration. Every day is like a new release to me now, but that’s ok because there are web sites like Webportio to keep me going.
Seattle, WA
Kishan Sundar
Kishan Sundar
This is me. I don’t have much more to say yet! well!! I’m a Apple lover,Student and Gadget Freak!!